
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sing it now--Love Stinks, yeah, yeah, love stinks!

Hi Everyone!! Happy Saturday! First off let's start the day talking about something that some people just hate this time of year, Valentine's Day.  For some reason so many people are against it.  Of course, what it appears to me, is that many single women hate it, but I'm happily single and I don't hate it at all.  Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love--how can anyone not want to celebrate love????
Even if you don't have that special someone in your life, you probably have parents who mean something to you, or siblings that mean something to you, or children--aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, grandparents, friends--come on now someone in this grouping has to mean something to you if you don't have a spouse or significant other.  Valentine's is a day meant to tell someone they mean something to you.

That being said I have some AWESOME new polishes from Red Dog Designs to show you today from the new Love Stinks Collection.

First up the super lovely Down With Love.  This one is an awesome teal and purple glitter mix with teal and purple hearts AND diamond shapes!  Ooooh Ahhhhh I love me some diamond shaped glitter!
Here's a close up of the glittahs!
How yummy is this???!!!
This mani is pretty adorable too isn't it?  And I say I don't "do" cute--what am I talking about???  This is super cute!
I started with a base of China Glaze For Audreyy for this one and then did some simple stamping by layering.  My friend Stephanie layers all the time and her stuff is so cool so I had to try it!

Moving on to the next polish I have the super cool Tainted Love--omg it's an awesome green glitter mix with black hearts and skullz glitter!

How cool is this???!  Here's a close up of the glittah!
And as you can see I paired this cute polish with some skullz with bows!
Yep I layered again! And i also got to use my new Dior Lime
I didn't layer Tainted Love over it though, I layered it over Zoya Dove to try to bring out the green goodness of the glitter and they are a great combo!

I just loved this cute polishes I got from Red Dog Designs!  If you're looking to snag them you can find them HERE 

I might not be down with love but I am down with snow!  Maybe Gina can make up some polishes with that in mind!  We got moar snow today, and we are getting moar again on Tuesday AND it's supposed to be super cold again UG!  I am ready for Spring--just not pastels LOL!

I hope you all have a great day--is anyone gearing up for the Super Bowl tomorrow????


  1. I'm happily married and hate Valentine's Day. I show my love any and every day, not on some commercialised holiday using twee cards with clichés that don't say how I feel; I use my own words. Romance is doing something for someone you love in my opinion, not some fairytale, Hollywood notion. When my husband goes out to get me rolls for breakfast, that's love to me. Love is what you make it. I think people would be happier with that notion.

    1. I would definitely love some rolls for breakfast! Sometimes it's the littlest things that make us the happiest

  2. I'm happily married and hate Valentine's Day. I show my love any and every day, not on some commercialised holiday using twee cards with clichés that don't say how I feel; I use my own words. Romance is doing something for someone you love in my opinion, not some fairytale, Hollywood notion. When my husband goes out to get me rolls for breakfast, that's love to me. Love is what you make it. I think people would be happier with that notion.

  3. We have several birthdays in January and February--mine being one of them! In fact my birthday is February 12th so I was always getting heart cards and cakes LOL!

  4. Your sentiments on Valentines Day are exactly what I have been saying for years, whether I am single or not! To me it is about taking a moment to remember those you love and reach out to the ones you still have in your life, thanking them for all they mean to you. I do not live near my family and don't have many close friends nearby either (I move a lot) so it's always good to give them a Skype call or something. Bravo to you for having your head on straight :D AND for these adorable manis! I love the green one :D
