Hi Everyone! Hope you are all doing great. I did something the other day I am always making fun of my friend friend Tara for doing---I topcoated a textured polish. Actually I did a really nice gradient of some Julie G's Rocky Candy, Sleigh Ride and Sugar Plum Fairy. I wore it for a day but some of my tips were chipping which honked me off so I reapplied a textured gradient coat and then I topcoated the heck out it and stamped over it! Ooooh Ahhhhhh it turned out SO sparkly!
Typically I like my textureds um er textured LOL!
But look at the amazing sparkly in this baby when you topcoat it??!
I did some Mundo de Unas stamping in Aqua and Lime with my Gogo Only St Happy plate
I really like how this turned out! It seems perfect for a day at the lake!
How do you like to "do" your textured polish?? With or without topcoat?
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
Monkey See, Monkey Do Monday--Chalkboard Nails!
Hi Everyone!!! Happy Monday! A super long time ago I saw this cool mani done by Sarah over at Chalkboard Nails. Sarah has mad skills and most of the time I can't come close to doing something by her BUT then I got "the grass plate" The grass plate is one of those funky kind of plates you find on Aliexpress and need it but you aren't sure when you'll ever use it. I got it AGES ago in a group buy through a FB group and I finally hauled it out so I could do a scenery manicure. Then I remembered Sarah's lovely fireflies at sunset and BAM a star was born!
I did a gradient with Elevation Grand Sunset Teton and Nails Inc Brompton Place and Brook Street. I have no idea if you can even find the infamous grass plate on AE anymore but it is CZ08 if you feel compelled to look
I'm a little sad my fireflies didn't photograph better I decided not to use a bright yellow and I think that might have been my downfall
Here's my thumb getting in on the action too
You can find Sarah's original post HERE But I was smart enough to do a nice side by side comparison
I was so excited to be able recreate this beautiful mani from Chalkboard Nails AND use my grass plate finally!
Thanks for stopping by!! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I did a gradient with Elevation Grand Sunset Teton and Nails Inc Brompton Place and Brook Street. I have no idea if you can even find the infamous grass plate on AE anymore but it is CZ08 if you feel compelled to look
I'm a little sad my fireflies didn't photograph better I decided not to use a bright yellow and I think that might have been my downfall
Here's my thumb getting in on the action too
You can find Sarah's original post HERE But I was smart enough to do a nice side by side comparison
I was so excited to be able recreate this beautiful mani from Chalkboard Nails AND use my grass plate finally!
Thanks for stopping by!! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
Friday, June 19, 2015
My woodland adventure
Hi Everyone! Happy Friday! Happy Friday! Happy Friday! Woot! It's finally here! It was a really nice and sunny day today albeit not hot at all. In fact I don't know if we even hit 70 degrees here today. I'm not sure what season we are in it's not really summer then again it's not really spring LOL!
Today I have another scenery mani to show off. I think this one turned out really cute and we all know I don't really do cute too often!
I used my Born Pretty Store BP-L011 for this mani it's an adorable plate!
Check out the little hedgie on my thumb!
um don't mind the garbage disposal in the sink LOL I did this mani last weekend with the gals and didn't have my normal lighting!
I love the woods Up North as much as I love squirrels and deer and foxes and cute hedgies!
I find I really enjoy doing a full scene mani. I like being able to tell a story as much as I love reading stories!
Thanks for stopping by!! Hope you all have a fantastic day!!
Today I have another scenery mani to show off. I think this one turned out really cute and we all know I don't really do cute too often!
I used my Born Pretty Store BP-L011 for this mani it's an adorable plate!
Check out the little hedgie on my thumb!
um don't mind the garbage disposal in the sink LOL I did this mani last weekend with the gals and didn't have my normal lighting!
I love the woods Up North as much as I love squirrels and deer and foxes and cute hedgies!
I find I really enjoy doing a full scene mani. I like being able to tell a story as much as I love reading stories!
Thanks for stopping by!! Hope you all have a fantastic day!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
We're gonna need a bigger boat!
Hi Everyone!! Happy Hump Day! Whew half way through the week! I'm sort of glad. I kind of feel like I just want a relaxing weekend BUT I have a lot of housework that needs to be done. Here's to hoping it's nice super nice outside so I actually do it instead of doing stuff outside!
I have a friend Sue, who used to be a coworker. I loved working with her. She and I used to do work 3rd shift together many moons ago and she would prey upon my fear of sharks. Oh yes she would! Every so often she would send me an email and this is when we worked IT together so every email had to be looked at in case it was something serious going on. So she would covertly send me pictures of sharks! I would have no idea that's what would be in these things until I opened the email to look at it and there she blows a huge great white would be on my screen. Naturally she would fall off her chair laughing at me when I would let out a little scream. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt or gets their arm bitten off! Ahhhhh I miss those days working with her.
Well she and I are still friends and do some chatting on Facebook these days and she still sends me pictures of sharks for flip sake! She just sent me something the other day letting me know when shark week was. As if I'm going to watch it for crying out loud!
I decided to do this mani today as a nod to Sue one of the funnest coworkers I've ever had!
Seriously I do not know how people can do a single thing in the ocean
Not one single thing!!!
I saw Jaws in the 7th grade and have not been in the ocean since!
The shark and birds are from Uber Chic UC 2-03. The water and boat are from a Pueen plate Dani had and I can't remember the number of it for the life of me! This is what happens when you get together with the girls over the weekend.
What do you guys think of this scenery mani???? A far cry from my dancers isn't it??!
Thanks for stopping by!! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I have a friend Sue, who used to be a coworker. I loved working with her. She and I used to do work 3rd shift together many moons ago and she would prey upon my fear of sharks. Oh yes she would! Every so often she would send me an email and this is when we worked IT together so every email had to be looked at in case it was something serious going on. So she would covertly send me pictures of sharks! I would have no idea that's what would be in these things until I opened the email to look at it and there she blows a huge great white would be on my screen. Naturally she would fall off her chair laughing at me when I would let out a little scream. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt or gets their arm bitten off! Ahhhhh I miss those days working with her.
Well she and I are still friends and do some chatting on Facebook these days and she still sends me pictures of sharks for flip sake! She just sent me something the other day letting me know when shark week was. As if I'm going to watch it for crying out loud!
I decided to do this mani today as a nod to Sue one of the funnest coworkers I've ever had!
Seriously I do not know how people can do a single thing in the ocean
Not one single thing!!!
I saw Jaws in the 7th grade and have not been in the ocean since!
The shark and birds are from Uber Chic UC 2-03. The water and boat are from a Pueen plate Dani had and I can't remember the number of it for the life of me! This is what happens when you get together with the girls over the weekend.
What do you guys think of this scenery mani???? A far cry from my dancers isn't it??!
Thanks for stopping by!! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Shall We Dance?
Hi Everyone! Happy Tuesday to all. On Sunday I was lucky enough to spend the day with some of my nail polish friends. We met through a group on Facebook over a year ago and have been having fairly regular get togethers to do our nails and eat yummy snacks. Usually we just do one hand so we can try lots of new techniques or borrow plates we might not have. It's just so much fun.
I wanted to work on the this week's theme in the Advanced Nail Stamping group which is a scene going across all 5 fingers. This is a totally new challenge to us as we've never had that one before. I mostly focused on doing scenery mani's while the other gals did whatever the heck they wanted LOL! Omg usually we die laughing over something and this time was no different.
Today I'm showing off the first of 3 across all 5 nails scenery mani's I did. I used the new holo's from 10.1 Polish Disco Ball, It's Raining Men and Night Fever--all of these are named after 70's music/theme--for my gradient and then stamped with FUN20
As truly simply as this mani is I do believe it's quite striking.
Dancing couples on my thumb!
All all across my nails. The only downside to doing nails at someone else's house is your lighting isn't what you're used to.
I really love how clean and beautiful this turned out. What do you think?? Would you consider this a scenery mani or when you hear of scenery are you thinking of the great outdoors??
Thanks for stopping by!! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
I wanted to work on the this week's theme in the Advanced Nail Stamping group which is a scene going across all 5 fingers. This is a totally new challenge to us as we've never had that one before. I mostly focused on doing scenery mani's while the other gals did whatever the heck they wanted LOL! Omg usually we die laughing over something and this time was no different.
Today I'm showing off the first of 3 across all 5 nails scenery mani's I did. I used the new holo's from 10.1 Polish Disco Ball, It's Raining Men and Night Fever--all of these are named after 70's music/theme--for my gradient and then stamped with FUN20
As truly simply as this mani is I do believe it's quite striking.
Dancing couples on my thumb!
All all across my nails. The only downside to doing nails at someone else's house is your lighting isn't what you're used to.
I really love how clean and beautiful this turned out. What do you think?? Would you consider this a scenery mani or when you hear of scenery are you thinking of the great outdoors??
Thanks for stopping by!! I hope you all have a fantastic day!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom--This ain't yo momma's 50 Shades!
Hi Everyone! Hope you are all enjoying our fandom week. I'm going a little risque' today--okay I'm going A LOT OF RISQUE' TODAY! Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty adamant about how I feel about the 50 Shades Of Grey books. To be nice about it--I can't stand them. I've been reading for many years and have been a fan of good erotica authors for just as long. It sort of breaks my heart that so many truly great erotica authors became overshadowed by the swill that is 50 Shades Of Grey. If you are one of those women who read the book just because everyone was reading it I HIGHLY encourage you to pick up the Masters Of Shadowlands books by Cherise Sinclair. They are EXCEPTIONAL and much more real of a tale than a young barely out of diapers woman going out with a gazillionaire. Let's face it that stuff just does not happen. The Shadowlands books over real men finding real women and helping them overcome some of the trials and tribulations in their lives.
Today my fandom mani is all about Cherise and exceptional author who can bring tears to your eyes
About a month ago I received the "naughty" plate in the mail! It came from China and I have no idea who got it for me!
And by naughty I mean N A U G H T Y ! !
I had a pretty hard time with this mani. It took me over 2 hours to get 3 fingers stamped! This plate was naughty in more than one way, I had to haul out the konad double ended stamper to get it to work! OH MY LANTA!
Here you can see the inspiration for my mani with my mani. I'm sort of impressed with my collar! The o ring wasn't easy!
I'm heading over to check out everyone else!
Today my fandom mani is all about Cherise and exceptional author who can bring tears to your eyes
About a month ago I received the "naughty" plate in the mail! It came from China and I have no idea who got it for me!
And by naughty I mean N A U G H T Y ! !
I had a pretty hard time with this mani. It took me over 2 hours to get 3 fingers stamped! This plate was naughty in more than one way, I had to haul out the konad double ended stamper to get it to work! OH MY LANTA!
Here you can see the inspiration for my mani with my mani. I'm sort of impressed with my collar! The o ring wasn't easy!
I'm heading over to check out everyone else!
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom - Thursday
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom--Drogon Game Of Thrones!
Hi Everyone! Happy Wednesday! The week is halfway through! Woot how exciting! I don't have too much planned for the weekend, hopefully a nail meet up with some of my friends on Sunday and Saturday I'm getting new front brakes and rotors--isn't it fun being an adult?! LOL!
Today I am showing off my dragon mani. More importantly my Drogon from Game Of Thrones mani. I really am enjoying the television series and I think it's because I have not read the books! That's right I think I'm doing it the right way by watching just the tv show. This way I have no idea what's coming. I don't sit back and say "that's not what happened in the books" and because I have read them yet I have absolutely no preconceived notions about what someone looks like and whether or not they match up to how their TV counterpart looks.
So how do I feel about the Game Of Thrones? Hmmm I've decided I seem to like everyone no one else likes! I really really really feel for Ser Jorah, I find myself fascinated with Petyr Baylish, for some reason even Ramsay Bolton excites me from time to time. Arya is DRIVING ME NUTS! Omg can her life/story being anymore boring right now? And she is bratty as hell and totally unappreciative which reminds me I also loved The Hound! Everyone who says this to Jon Snow--"You know nothing" is absolutely right dude needs to get his shizz together. After last week's episode I am beside myself with wanting certain things to happen to certain people and by certain people and so help me God it better happen the way I want it to! I keep asking myself over and over again "how is George R R Martin not the target of assignation on a daily basis?" He HAS to be one of the most hated men of all time LOL! Poor George double R Martin.
My mani today is a tribute to the kick ass dragon Drogon from Game Of Thrones. We all know no one is missed more on this show than Khal Drogo who Drogon was named after! BRING BACK KHAL DROGO!!!!
Drogon is a gorgeous black and red dragon
I did some red holo with my Ozotic 621 and then some Messy Mansion and Bundle Monster stamping over it
I just love red and black together don't you?
I wish there were more holo polishes like Ozotic 621. It always looks like it's glowing from within
So far Fandom has been pretty fun! I'm heading over to check out what everyone else did today
Today I am showing off my dragon mani. More importantly my Drogon from Game Of Thrones mani. I really am enjoying the television series and I think it's because I have not read the books! That's right I think I'm doing it the right way by watching just the tv show. This way I have no idea what's coming. I don't sit back and say "that's not what happened in the books" and because I have read them yet I have absolutely no preconceived notions about what someone looks like and whether or not they match up to how their TV counterpart looks.
So how do I feel about the Game Of Thrones? Hmmm I've decided I seem to like everyone no one else likes! I really really really feel for Ser Jorah, I find myself fascinated with Petyr Baylish, for some reason even Ramsay Bolton excites me from time to time. Arya is DRIVING ME NUTS! Omg can her life/story being anymore boring right now? And she is bratty as hell and totally unappreciative which reminds me I also loved The Hound! Everyone who says this to Jon Snow--"You know nothing" is absolutely right dude needs to get his shizz together. After last week's episode I am beside myself with wanting certain things to happen to certain people and by certain people and so help me God it better happen the way I want it to! I keep asking myself over and over again "how is George R R Martin not the target of assignation on a daily basis?" He HAS to be one of the most hated men of all time LOL! Poor George double R Martin.
My mani today is a tribute to the kick ass dragon Drogon from Game Of Thrones. We all know no one is missed more on this show than Khal Drogo who Drogon was named after! BRING BACK KHAL DROGO!!!!
Drogon is a gorgeous black and red dragon
I did some red holo with my Ozotic 621 and then some Messy Mansion and Bundle Monster stamping over it
I just love red and black together don't you?
I wish there were more holo polishes like Ozotic 621. It always looks like it's glowing from within
So far Fandom has been pretty fun! I'm heading over to check out what everyone else did today
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom - Wednesday
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom---Goooooooooo Packers!
Hi Everyone! Oooh this week is off to a rip roaring start for me! I was struggling to come up with another idea for Fandom week when BAM it hit me! Why not do the true meaning of fandom--fans as in football fans and the best football team there is has the best football fans--that's right us cheeseheads are the best fans evah!
Right now smack dab in the middle of the Stanley Cup playoffs and on the heels of the Belmont Stakes I'm hauling out my football mani LOL!
Hey preseason is starting up soon!!!!! And I can't wait!
I did a radial gradient with Sinful Colors Bananappeal and Illamasqua Rampage then I stamped with my custom plate from Fig Tree as well as CiCi & SiSi. I just love it!!!
I can't wait for the new season to start!!!
I'm heading over to check out what my peeps did for their day 2!
Right now smack dab in the middle of the Stanley Cup playoffs and on the heels of the Belmont Stakes I'm hauling out my football mani LOL!
Hey preseason is starting up soon!!!!! And I can't wait!
I did a radial gradient with Sinful Colors Bananappeal and Illamasqua Rampage then I stamped with my custom plate from Fig Tree as well as CiCi & SiSi. I just love it!!!
I can't wait for the new season to start!!!
I'm heading over to check out what my peeps did for their day 2!
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom - Tuesday
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
Monday, June 8, 2015
The Digit-al Dozen Does Fandom--Elvis----of course!
Hi Everyone! Happy Monday! Welcome to this week's Digit-al Dozen! This week is fandom. Fandom?! What the french is that even a word?? Is that even a thing? I mean fandom--come on how geeky is that?!
Well it actually IS a thing and even though sometimes it's geeky it doesn't always have to be geeky!
My first thought for fandom week was "what the hell?! I'm not a Harry Potter person or a Twlight person. I've never seen Supernatural. I don't care for the Avengers at all or Thor for that matter so yes that goes double for Loki. And don't even get me started on the Sherlock stuff for piss sake" Then I sort of panicked because omg I am not any of those things so what's left????? What sort of fandom is left for me?
Then I said to myself "Are you freaking kidding me?! You are older than any of those baby fandom things you just named AND you have been a fan of this guy longer than most fandoms in the above mentioned group have been alive! SNAP OUT OF IT!"
Whewwwwwww I got this!
My fandom week starts off with Elvis, The King Of Rock-n-Roll. I've loved him for 45 years and the flame is not waning. I can listen to him non stop 24-7 and never tired of his voice. I could watch movie after movie after movie and never tire of seeing his handsome face. And I'm pretty sure how I feel about Elvis is how the Supernatural, Avenger's, Twilight, Harry Potter and Sherlock fans all feel about their respective shows/characters so I need to chill LOL!
My mani today is ode to Elvis and his gold lame' suit! Elvis--forever in my heart
This suit was going on back in the day! Here's my mani to match
Look at all that holoey goodness!
Needs a little bit more though don't you think?
Ahhhh there he is the King himself!
You know these poor foils aren't going to last long--I still haven't found anything other than a UV/LED gel topcoat that doesn't ruin the holo effect in foils
Here's how the mani measures up to his pic--what do you think?
You can tell me but "Don't Be Cruel" ahahahah I crack myself up!
So this could be a really exciting week! Let's check out what everyone else did for their first day of Fandom
Well it actually IS a thing and even though sometimes it's geeky it doesn't always have to be geeky!
My first thought for fandom week was "what the hell?! I'm not a Harry Potter person or a Twlight person. I've never seen Supernatural. I don't care for the Avengers at all or Thor for that matter so yes that goes double for Loki. And don't even get me started on the Sherlock stuff for piss sake" Then I sort of panicked because omg I am not any of those things so what's left????? What sort of fandom is left for me?
Then I said to myself "Are you freaking kidding me?! You are older than any of those baby fandom things you just named AND you have been a fan of this guy longer than most fandoms in the above mentioned group have been alive! SNAP OUT OF IT!"
Whewwwwwww I got this!
My fandom week starts off with Elvis, The King Of Rock-n-Roll. I've loved him for 45 years and the flame is not waning. I can listen to him non stop 24-7 and never tired of his voice. I could watch movie after movie after movie and never tire of seeing his handsome face. And I'm pretty sure how I feel about Elvis is how the Supernatural, Avenger's, Twilight, Harry Potter and Sherlock fans all feel about their respective shows/characters so I need to chill LOL!
My mani today is ode to Elvis and his gold lame' suit! Elvis--forever in my heart
This suit was going on back in the day! Here's my mani to match
Look at all that holoey goodness!
Needs a little bit more though don't you think?
Ahhhh there he is the King himself!
Here's how the mani measures up to his pic--what do you think?
You can tell me but "Don't Be Cruel" ahahahah I crack myself up!
So this could be a really exciting week! Let's check out what everyone else did for their first day of Fandom
Sunday, June 7, 2015
First mani of Spring---too bad it's Summer!
Hi Everyone! Happy weekend to all. Today is my grand nephew's birthday party. I'm sure it's going to be a super fun time because he is so adorable AND cake will be involved! We might even hit 80 degrees today. Too bad right now it's raining outside!
UG we are officially having the worst Spring/Summer ever so far. It's been cold and rainy. We really didn't have Spring instead we had Sprinter a Spring/Winter mix. Now it's June and it should be Summer but nope still not even Spring yet I don't think--OIY what a mess!
A couple of weeks ago I snagged the Spring It On nail polish collection from Nails Inc. I just loved all the colors in this collection AND I was able to get them all--shipped for less than $26! That is a steal! I couldn't decide which one I wanted to wear first so I grabbed 3 of them and did a small skittles look. I also got to try out my new Gogo Only St Happy plate!
Aren't these colors perfect for Spring/Summer mani's???!!! The blue is Royal Botanical Gardens, the pink is Brompton Place and the orange is Wellington Square.
I used one of my new Mundos from The Candy Collection--Sky Blue to stamp
This is just a super simple and fast mani and it's pretty cute! What do you think?
How are all of you faring this supposed Summer season so far?
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you all have a fantastic day!
UG we are officially having the worst Spring/Summer ever so far. It's been cold and rainy. We really didn't have Spring instead we had Sprinter a Spring/Winter mix. Now it's June and it should be Summer but nope still not even Spring yet I don't think--OIY what a mess!
A couple of weeks ago I snagged the Spring It On nail polish collection from Nails Inc. I just loved all the colors in this collection AND I was able to get them all--shipped for less than $26! That is a steal! I couldn't decide which one I wanted to wear first so I grabbed 3 of them and did a small skittles look. I also got to try out my new Gogo Only St Happy plate!
Aren't these colors perfect for Spring/Summer mani's???!!! The blue is Royal Botanical Gardens, the pink is Brompton Place and the orange is Wellington Square.
I used one of my new Mundos from The Candy Collection--Sky Blue to stamp
This is just a super simple and fast mani and it's pretty cute! What do you think?
How are all of you faring this supposed Summer season so far?
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you all have a fantastic day!
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Birds In Flight
Hi Everyone! Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I realize we aren't far into it but for me so far so good. I actually am laughing a bit today because I realized I have now done ANOTHER mani in much the same color scheme as my last mani. But what can I say??? I'm a sucker for this pinky magenta polishes with a hint of blue!
I was lucky enough to snag a bottle of We're All Mad Here from Red Dog Designs awhile back. It's a Limited Edition color made for Jen over at My Nail Polish Obsession. Her blog turned 3 so just like years before Red Dog designed a signature limited edition color for her. This one is a super pretty pinky magenta with white and turquoise micro flakies in it. It's just so lovely and quite honestly perfect for summer!
How perfect is this color for summer???!!!!
Totally 100% perfect!
I did some stamping with the new Messy Mansion MM57 plate as well. This plate is just wonderful! Lots of nice leaf images on this one plus all these little birds!
I thought these images with this polish were just the perfect pairing. I stamped with one of my fave Mundo de Unas colors--Blue Grey
Here's a closer look at the Messy Mansion plate
I can't wait to use this in the Fall!
It looks like there are still some We're All Mad Here over at Red Dog Designs snag one HERE before it's too late!
Messy Mansion released a few more MM plates too--check them out HERE
I've got a few Nails Inc on their way to me--let's hope I can come up with a different color scheme once I get them LOL!
I was lucky enough to snag a bottle of We're All Mad Here from Red Dog Designs awhile back. It's a Limited Edition color made for Jen over at My Nail Polish Obsession. Her blog turned 3 so just like years before Red Dog designed a signature limited edition color for her. This one is a super pretty pinky magenta with white and turquoise micro flakies in it. It's just so lovely and quite honestly perfect for summer!
How perfect is this color for summer???!!!!
Totally 100% perfect!
I did some stamping with the new Messy Mansion MM57 plate as well. This plate is just wonderful! Lots of nice leaf images on this one plus all these little birds!
I thought these images with this polish were just the perfect pairing. I stamped with one of my fave Mundo de Unas colors--Blue Grey
Here's a closer look at the Messy Mansion plate
I can't wait to use this in the Fall!
It looks like there are still some We're All Mad Here over at Red Dog Designs snag one HERE before it's too late!
Messy Mansion released a few more MM plates too--check them out HERE
I've got a few Nails Inc on their way to me--let's hope I can come up with a different color scheme once I get them LOL!
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